The central government has once again extended the last date for linking Aadhaar with PAN cards. Earlier its last date was 30th September but now it has been extended till 31st March 2022. If the Aadhaar card is not linked to the PAN by this date, the PAN card will be closed. The deadline has been extended in view of various problems caused by the Kovid-19 epidemic, the CBDT said in a statement.
PAN card is required for opening a bank account, banking transactions, mutual fund transactions, investing in the stock market. If you do not link it to the Aadhaar card by March 31, 2022, you will have to pay a penalty. Not only that, if these two cards are not linked, double TDS will be deducted by the bank.
Learn- How to link PAN card with Aadhaar online?
> First go to the Income Tax website. Where you will see an option called PAN Card Link.
> Enter the given name, page number and Aadhaar number in the Aadhaar card.
> If only year of birth is given in Aadhaar card, tick the category.
> Now enter the given captcha code.
> Now click on the support link link.
> Your PAN will be linked to support.
According to the CBDT statement, "The date for linking Aadhaar with PAN has been extended from September 30, 2021 to March 31, 2022. The date has been extended several times by the Central Government even before this. Will link the card and PAN card.